Practical Business Python

Taking care of business, one python script at a time

Introduction to the site

Welcome to Practical Business Python (PB Python). The purpose of this site is to share knowledge about how to use python and the various modules in the python eco-system to make you more effective and efficient in your day to day job.

In many technical communities such as system administration, web development and scientific computing, python is very well known. However, my experience is that in the Windows-dominated corporate environment, very few people have experience with python. I think it is truly a shame that python is not more widely used in this setting. I believe that businesses of all sizes could benefit from having more employees using python on a daily basis to automate the more repetitive or boring parts of the job.

I am starting PB Python in order to spread the knowledge about the tremendous value that python can provide in a typical business environment. Too many people only think about Excel or Access but I think these individuals could be even more impactful in their jobs if they had the knowledge of how to use python to solve the problems they face on a daily basis.

Future Articles

I have lots of ideas for future articles but here are a few of them I’m considering right now:

  • Choosing the best python version for Windows
  • Version control best practices
  • Python stdlib items useful for business
  • Survey of excel modules
  • Automating powerpoint
  • Using sqlite and sqlalchemy
  • Analyzing large amounts of data

I look forward to hearing from others about how they are using python in a business setting and hope that we can spread the knowledge and get even more people to think about how they can use python to do their jobs better.

Please look around the site and let me know what you think!